How to Begin Using Yelp for Business Owners

According to Tory Schalkle , Follow these steps to get started with Yelp for business: Log in to the website, then click "Sign up" in the upper right corner. To create a new account, enter your personal information (name, email, and passwords). After that, input the company's address. If your company already has a Yelp page, you may claim it. Alternatively, you may fill out the form with your own information. Then, under the "Settings" menu, click "Share page access" and enter the job title for each user. You are free to invite as many individuals as you want to administer the page. You may invite new users straight from the account if you have less than 10 locations. If you have more than 10, you must make an official request to Yelp. You must pick a name for each user, a job title for each user, and who has the ability to change the page. After you've claimed the material you wish to claim, you'll need to reply to reviews and publicly respon...