Tory Schalkle Named Chair of the Wayzata Parks and Trails Board

Tory Schalkle recently discussed what's ahead for the Wayzata City Council's Parks and Trails Board and his leadership on it. Tory Schalkle is a local area devotee who is all around regarded in Wayzata, Minnesota. He was, as of late, chose by friends to lead the Wayzata Parks and Trails Board. As of late, a nearby news association talked with Tory Schalkle about the selection and his objectives for Wayzata's parks and trails. A duplicate of the meeting is incorporated beneath, just as more data about the Wayzata Parks and Trails Board and Tory Schalkle . Questioner: You were, as of late, picked to lead Wayzata's Parks and Trails Board. Congrats! Portray how you were picked. Tory Schalkle: Thanks! My friends on the Board named me, as I'm not simply the sort to name. And afterwards, they affirmed it by a vote. I'm genuinely respected to have even been designated. Questioner: I momentarily watched the vote. There was no faltering - individuals assigned you ...